Thursday, 27 February 2014

Our E Science Experiment

We had to guess which egg was raw and which was hard boiled!  When we spun the eggs on the table, one was spinning really fast, the other was slow and wobbly.  We found out that the hard-boiled egg was the egg that was spinning.  This was because the raw yolk in the other egg kept moving inside and caused the wobbling due to inertia.  

Class Award

Today Kieran received a special class award!  Well done Kieran, keep up the good work!

A new shining star,

Tomorrow is Conrad's birthday.  We look forward to welcoming you to our class Conrad!

A new Shining Star...

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Look at these clever readers I discovered after morning tea!

Conrad's Puzzle

Here is Conrad with the puzzle he completed today.

Great work Conrad!


During fitness today, we practised our balancing.

Pruning the big tree

We went around to the senior block to watch Mr Tarr prune some of the big branches hanging over the roof.  Can you see him in the tree?

A new shining star!

Tomorrow is Kade's birthday, we are looking forward to welcoming him to our class!  See you tomorrow Kade!

It's hatched!

At 3.45pm, perhaps we should have all stayed at school longer today!!!

Our cocoon this afternoon

We have been waiting for this all day!  We think this might have hatched by the time we get to school tomorrow!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The life cycle of the monarch butterfly

We have been learning about monarch butterflies and caterpillars.  We have talked about their life cycle and the changes they go through.

The Elephant

The Elephant goes like this and that.
He's terribly big and he's terribly f-a-t!
He has no fingers.
He has no toes.
But goodness gracious...
What a Nose!

Milk in Schools

We are fortunate to be part of Fonterra Milk For Schools.  Each day, all of our pupils are offered a drink of milk.  In Room 6, we have our milk straight after lunch. The boxes are all recycled and sent away to make exercise books and roofing tiles!  We are very lucky to be part of this programme.

Rihanna comes to visit

Today Rihanna had her first school visit.  Here she is with Kylah on the mat...

Monday, 24 February 2014

D is for Dancing Raisins

Our 'D' science experiment was Dancing Raisins. 
We tipped fizzy water into a cup.
We put some raisins into it.
The raisins began moving up and down like they were dancing!
This is because the bubbles in the fizzy, stuck to the raisins.
This made the raisins lighter than normal and they floated.
When they got to the top, the bubbles popped and the raisins sank again.
They looked like they were Dancing!


Friday, 21 February 2014

Our fruit scraps

We walked over to the compost bins with our fruit scraps from morning tea.  There are three compost bins and we could see where to put our scraps.  These will break down and eventually turn into good soil for the school garden.  

Our Caretaker

Mr Anderson is our school caretaker.  He has been busy sprucing up our painted

shapes outside and has a special project to work on for this space!

D is for Duck


Look at the puzzle Denys and Kieran completed! Well done!

Letter D

Our letter this week has been D and today we made some dazzling, decorated dinosaurs!


This week Brynleigh received the Principal's Award at assembly.  Well done Brynleigh!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Monarch Butterfly

Another cocoon hatched in Room 5 so Mrs Robertson put it on the tree outside very gently.  We watched while the sun made its wings nice and strong.  Soon the butterfly flew away to begin its new life.


Alphabet Skills

We work on our alphabet skills every day.  Knowing the alphabet helps us with our reading and writing.  We use the big card to read through together - a, apple, a, a, apple, b, butterfly, b, b, butterfly...then we use the little cards in front of us to point at each letter and say the alphabet again.  

Wednesday, 19 February 2014



Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks went out one day,
over the hills and far away...

Look at our little ducks!

Visitors to Room 6

This afternoon we had visitors from Westport Early Learning Centre.  Anni brought Kade and Conrad to see us.  They are both starting school soon and it was nice to spend some time with them this afternoon.  We look forward to welcoming them to Room 6!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Swan Plant

Mrs Robertson brought in a swan plant from her class to show us.  We could see monarch caterpillars and cocoons on it.

We were very interested in a cocoon that had turned black, we could see a butterfly's wings inside it.  We thought it might hatch soon...and guess what?  It hatched at lunchtime!  A beautiful monarch butterfly came out!

Lunch inside on a wet day!

Looking after our teeth

We watched some more of the Tooth Defenders and talked about how to keep our teeth healthy.  We talked about brushing our teeth twice a day, eating healthy food, going to the dental nurse and using dental floss.  Then we each got a new toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste to take home.

Our Spider stories

These are the stories we wrote today.  We wrote about the spider Mrs Grant showed us. After we wrote them, we published them and we are going to put them together into a book.









Monday, 17 February 2014

Tooth Defenders

We watched a short DVD called The Tooth Defenders.  It was about Superheroes who fight plaque!
 We talked about how we could look after our teeth and then we drew our stunning smiles!

We are clever writers!

This is some of the writing Room 6 did today.